Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It's Birthday day!!!

I can't even explain my emotions right now! As i sit here at 10:10 pm the day before the babies turn 1 it's so bitter sweet , it has been the longest year of our lives but the fastest! Last year at this time I was laying in bed with the highest blood pressure ever imaginable and here we are 1 year later! I do have some updates as far as Bo goes, he got a cold which is a bad thing when you have diabetes everything in the world has sugar in it and the Dr all they care about is keeping him hydrated well his sugar went up to 299 so on Monday we started insulin it actually has made a world of difference maybe just maybe we will be good for a while! We also met with the Rehab Dr on Monday, this has been a long time coming also we have had this appt since April 5Th yes April. So he came in and did all kinds of things and of course wants to do WAY more so we will start all of that next week! Starting with some muscle test, they know something is going on with him they just have to figure out what which also leads us to getting genetic tested we will have that done in a few weeks also! Leksi and Johnny had their Halloween parties today they were great, the babies were a hit in there costumes. We are having the babies bday party on Sat I am so excited for that! Also I was approached by one of the ladies who works for SMMC and they have asked me to give a speech at the Tiny Tim fundraiser which benefits the SMMC NICU and the Lee Ann Britain developmental center, at first I was like OH NO there is no way I could do that but the more I though about it the more I thought how can I NOT do this? I spent 56 days there and they saved my children's lives so On Nov 7 I am giving a speech(in front of 1000 people) Lord knows if I will be able to get through it without crying but it will be my chance to say thank you, thank you for everything! If any of you know me you know that I am SO not a person who will just get up and speak so I am trying to prepare myself for it. One of the nurses who took care of B&B so many days at least 25 days she will be there and I am at least excited about that, that she and everyone else who had the babies can hear me and know how very important they are to me! On that note I should really go to bed It is a big day tomorrow my babies will be 1!!! Leksi and Johnny do not have school either I am excited they will get to hang out with them all day!! What a year what a year!!!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010


YEP!! we got the word forsure yesterday that Bo does have type 1 Diabetes! I was at the Dr forever so much to go over so much to figure out. I turned in his glucose monitor on Monday morning, they called and said come in on Monday the 18 that should give them time to up load all of the information and they will h ave everything ready by then! Well Monday late afternoon evening I got a call saying Dr Santiago wanted us to come in Wednesday! I knew what she was going to say, so I wasn't that shocked yet I was very shocked! The Nurse took Bo out of the room so her and I could talk and 10 min into our conversation I could feel myself not listening like I couldn't comprehend what she was telling me? I was pretty much felling sorry for myself and for Bo. This is going to affect him for the rest of his life and Mine. Not only that thier is a 70% chance of Brooklynn also having it!~ WHAT?? at that point The Dr looked at me and said your handaling this very well. I laughed and said well what else am i supposed to do? SO we meet with the Nutrisonist and the Diabetes specialist in Tuesday and we will know more, as of right now we think we they are going to put him on the insulin pump, for 1) its just easier then giving him shots everyday 2)its easier to monitor. That is the plan as of right now, its so weird I was totally feeling sorry for myself yesterday JOhn is out of town and my brain was on OVER LOAD! So i put all the kids to bed last night and took a LONG hot shower and cried my eyes out then I was so upset with myself becasue I felt like the most selfish person in the world because it could always be worse. I promised myself to day to have a diffret attitude, sometimes it's so hard all of the stuff that Bo has been through in his tinly little life sometimes gets so frustrationg to watch him do it all! He is a fighter he has been since his 2lb body came into this world he has been fighting ever since! I am releved to finally have some answers and hopefully we can move forward and he will start gaining some weight and get stronger! I will keep you updated as far as the rest goes when he gets his pump! OH I have this AMAZING FRIEND she made the babies B~Day invites and let me tell you I totally cried today when she sent them to me, its so hard to believe the year we have had and how far the both have come. In just a few shorts weeks the Babies will be 1 and I just can't believe it!!

Wednesday, October 6, 2010


So I finally had the courage to let other people look at my blog and it has been pretty good! So I should be better about posting! SO Last Wednesday we head to see Dr Santiago the Endocrinologist we kind of got our plan in to action as far as his growth hormone goes. We stared that on Sunday it was pretty easy now we just have to remember to give it to him every single night at 8 for, well forever! But while we were there some blood work came back bad! YEP bad, so they think or well they are pretty sure Bo has type 1 Diabetes YEP! So my brain is on complete over load researching online about it, well only 1% of babies the age that Bo is has Type 1 so it has been pretty challenging as far as that goes. We had a glucose monitor inserted into his tiny right Butt cheek On Tuesday the 5Th of Oct and low and behold it came out this morning! Awesome! we will go back tomorrow and try again. The problem with this is he Pees so much most kids with diabetes does, so we will have to have them put it in his tummy. This is just temporary it will check his sugar 288 times a day so we will know when it is low and when it is high! So when it is high depending on how high we will know weather or not he will need insulin! So that is where we stand! As I sit here I cant even begin to tell you how crazy it is that the babies are going to be 1 in 22 days! It doesn't seem possible yet it has been the longest year of my life! lol!! Leksi went to the 1 room school house yesterday for school and loved it she dressed up in a long dress with a bonnet and an apron she looked so cute! JOhnny finally has a super front top loose tooth should be coming out any time!